Hearts And Keys

Written by: 
J. Martyn
1 Sep 1981

You never come,
You never call,
You never think of me.
You never come to taste.
You never move,
You never think,
And you ain't never seen.
I never change; I never could.

My heart carries your key;
My heart carries your key.
Some people...

I never wonder,
Nor remember
What that they've said.
I never feel the comfort of your telephone.
I never laugh,
I never cry;
I never think of you.
If I did, I'd never let you know.

My heart carries your key;
My heart carries your key.
Somehow, somewhere, someday;
Some people...

You never come,
You never call,
You never think of me.
You never change and never will.
I pay the price
Though I never see a bill.
It's never nice
And never will be.

My heart carries your key;
My heart carries your key.
Some people...

First release: