Piece By Piece - Island 90507-1

9 May 1986
Daily Sentinel
James Henke


Piece by Piece ★ ★ ★

John Martyn (Island)
Piece By Piece is Scottish singer-songwriter John Martyn's 18th album, and it continues in the sophisticated, pseudo-jazzy direction of its most recent predecessors. Though a truly gifted guitarist, Martyn seems to be more and more seduced by the wide varieties of sonic possibilities afforded by synthesizers; thus, he and his chief collaborator, keyboardist Foster Paterson, construct dreamy atmospheric soundscapes that are punctuated by Alan Thomson's fluid bass lines and Colin Tully's sax. Martyn himself continues to grow as a singer, and his smoky voice provides a perfect complement to the moodiness of his songs.


James Henke wrote for Rolling Stone.
This American review was published in The Daily Sentinel (Grand Junction, Colorado) of Friday 9 May 1986.
The same day the Palm Beach Post (Florida) printed it too, leaving out the last sentence.
Later on the original text was syndicated in the Wisconsin State Journal of Sunday 11 May.
The Alberni Valley Times (British Columbia, Canada) did a rerun in the edition of Friday, 16 May 1986.
Followed in Canada in the Album Corner of the Red Deer Advocate, Saturday 31 May. But then it only got two-and-a-half star..
The same text ran six weeks later in The Jackson Sun (Tennessee) of Friday 20 June 1986.

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