Inside Out – Island ILPS 9253

1 Dec 1973
Music Scene
[Nigel Turner]

JOHN MARTYN: Inside Out (Island £2.19)
Another good record from the former Prince of the Hanging Lamp,1 he of the flashing left hand, John Martyn who was once more folksy than he is now. On this album, following his own tradition of something completely different on each collection, he has spread out, allowing plenty of space to extend the ideas, go for a groovy effect or develop a theme. There is none of the fast-fingered wizardry he used to enjoy showing off, but every note is put to good use. An album made with love and care.

When he sings he assumes a slurred, drunken voice which, once you've got used to it, really does enhance the mood and blend with the instrumental arrangements.

This voice makes for a very sensual feel. A sort of lazy late-night sexuality which forces the question, with the Princess getting married so recently,2 isn't it time to put a stop to all this innuendo, this pursuit of mere pleasure? Well what do you think. NT

1 8 May 1972, John performed at the Hanging Lamp in Richmond. A tape of the show survived for forty years before it was included in the Island Years box set and also separately on vinyl.
2 Princess Anne married Mark Phillips on November 14, 1973 at Westminster Abbey.
This review was published in Music Scene of December 1973 (albumscene, page 50) and was probably written by Nigel Turner. The same issue carried a feature on JM by Mitchell Paul. It had Bryan Ferry on the cover and originally cost 15p.
Info dug up by John Neil Munro.

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