The Bottom Line:
One single that really should have been a hit.
Rather late single from the Grace And Danger album. Dating is a bit of a puzzle as the A-side is credited 1980 but the B-side 1981. The later date prevails of course.
In Italy they released a unique single with the same tracks in reversed order, both credited 1980. The catalogue and mold numbers of this release however point to the original Johnny Too Bad single.
Catalogue number: WIP 26547.
Mold numbers: WIP 26547-1 and WIP 26547-2.
My guess is that the Italian release was an original idea of the Italian Island department, followed up a few months later by the UK division. The Italian idea for this double A-side might qualify as good but one can wonder if Sweet Little Mystery would not have been a better choice to promote in Italy.
Mold numbers:
WIP 6718 A-1U with a JONZ monogram (referring to sound engineer John Dent, 1954-2017).
B-side is interesting: WIP 6718 B-1U with strikeout original WIP 6547 A-3U and inscription: GRAEME - SOUND CLINIC 2.