Inside John Martyn

Dave Pyke
Guitar vol 2 #4

To those critics who demand pigeon-holes, John Martyn is a 'folk guitarist'. He plays mostly acoustic guitars and sings songs. And makes remarkable records, using jazz musicians, African drummers and anyone else he thinks appropriate. His latest (and seventh) album, Inside Out, has just been released by Island. Before that was Solid Air, which is one of Dave Dyke's favourite records. So we asked Dave to talk to John for Guitar.

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London, Shaw Theatre, 14 Oct 1973

27 Oct 1973
Melody Maker
Karl Dallas

A lesser man might have taken his audience slowly, by easy stages, through from his acoustic beginnings onto his electronic now. After all, moving from wooden sounds to solid state electricity has always been a hard road, and has floored many a great talent before him, who has had to wait a while until his audience catches up with him.

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Inside Out

Solid Shenai

Record Mirror

Found myself talking to John Martyn over the phone this week. I still don't know why. They phoned me up and said the interview's cancelled, can you do it over the phone?

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