London, Imperial College, 1 Mar 1975

15 Mar 1975
New Musical Express
Chris Salewicz

John Martyn


Yes, that's right. 'Koss' turned up for the final couple of numbers. But there had been ten John Martyn song workouts prior to that, you know, with his voice tumbling along like some kind of crazed tumbleweed and harmonizing with Danny Thompson's rolling stand-up bass and his own staccato guitar patterns.

Sunday's Child - Island ILPS 9296

1 Mar 1975
Zig Zag #50
Andy Childs

For me, the release of a new John Martyn album is always among the most noteworthy events of the year. The development of his music, its conception and execution, seems to be one of the most important and enjoyable trends in British music to emerge in the last five years, during which time he has eroded the somewhat superficial but steadfast barriers that divide folk and rock music, and produced records that have been brilliantly innovative and easily accessible.

Related to: 
Sunday's Child

A Refusal To Sell Out

Jonathan Morrish
Let it Rock #27

A Refusal To Sell Out

Even though John Martyn has been around for some time now, there's still a boyishness in his laughter and a distinct lack of Rock-Star-Cool in his behaviour. His new album -his eighth- has an appropriate title, Sunday's Child.

Life After Dark

Jerry Gilbert

His newly released album Sunday's Child follows a familiar formula - it's an album of mood music that only comes to life after dark so that one immediately recalls his penchant for booking studio time at Island between the hours of midnight and dawn.

Related to: 

Leith, Citadel, 19 Jan 1975

25 Jan 1975
Melody Maker
John Gibson


THE sound of running water in a pitch black hall. The lights go up and John Martyn in a grubby raincoat with his back to the audience, looks round in surprise, pretending he has been caught in the middle of answering nature's call.

Sunday's Child advert

25 Jan 1975
Melody Maker

This ad supported the Sunday's Child release and tour for February. It was published in Melody Maker of 25 January 1975, on page 15. Thirteen tourdates were included, with 'Special guests Lucas & McCulloch'.
Later on the NME ran an update:

2nd February
Victora Palace Theatre London
Some standing room available on the night

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