Fisher Folk

Fisher Folk

ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY Folk Club, who last week brought to the Union a number of top- class performers in different branches of folk music and, according to Treasurer Neil Cameron, may even have made a slight profit on them, are to continue the good work this term.

The highlight of this term's programme will be a full-scale concert which is to take place in the Y.M.C.A. Hall on Wednesday, February 19th. At the top of the programme is an attractive double billing of John Martyn and Archie Fisher. John Martyn, who comes from London, is an accomplished guitarist and singer and a considerable part of his repertoire consists of his own compositions.

Fife player

Archie Fisher should need no introduction to North-East folk enthusiasts but for those who are not familiar with his work the singing and guitar playing of this artist from Fife have been an integral part of the Scottish folk scene for some years and he has built up a considerable following for himself here. Between his fairly traditionally based act and the rather more 'way-out' style of John Martyn, the stage seems set for an excellent evening's entertainment. Tickets are available from Telemech, price 6/- and 8/-. Those intending to go would be well advised to make sure of their seats as soon as possible.

This announcement was published in Gaudie of 5th February 1969. The Gaudie is a weekly newspaper for students of Aberdeen University. It is recognised as the oldest student newspaper in Scotland.
Material provided by John Neil Munro.