
John Martyn Al Folk Club

Gabriele Ferraris
La Stampa

John Martyn al Folk Club

Negli Anni Settanta era un piccolo-grande mito: quando la Island -la casa discografica che all'epoca era giustamente considerata la patrona e padrona della miglior musica inglese- lo prese sotto la sua ala protettrice, per John Martyn si spalancarono le porte della gloria: i suoi primi lavori, fin dall'esordio con «London Conversation» in puro stile folk, gli attirarono il seguito vasto dei critici entusiasti e quello, più ristretto ma significativo, del pubblico degli appassionati.

Kerrang Guru Court

Fred Dellar
New Musical Express

In the New Musical Express of 12 May 1990 they asked a bunch of guitarists to name their three favourite guitarists. John obliged and gave three names quoted below. It is amusing to see that the only one who cites John Martyn as his favourite is David Gavurin of The Sundays.

Saturday Night Clyde

NRC Handelsblad

Saturday Night Clyde • Vooruitblik op de culturele evenementen die dit jaar in culturele hoofdstad van Europa Glasgow worden gehouden. Met aandacht voor de expositie 'Glasgow's Glasgow', een interview met de Schotse dichter Edwin Morgan, muziek van John Martyn en meer. Gepresenteerd vanaf het Glasgow May Festival. BBC2, 23:25-0:05u.

Fred Fact

Fred Dillar
New Musical Express

Faced with selecting ten all-time faves, Martyn hummed and hawed a bit but finally came up with the following listing

Hamish Imlach's rocky career now firmly back on track

Rod Campbell
Edmonton Journal

Scottish folksinger and raconteur Hamish Imlach reached a milestone in his career this summer: 25 years as a professional musician. But he forgot to mark the date on his calendar. "It never occurred to me that it was my 25th year," says Imlach, who plays the South Side Folk Club Saturday. "I think I'll be different; I'll have a 26th-anniversary tour next year."


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