
Q65 | Popmuziek

Max Palfenier
Nieuwsblad van het Noorden

Een unieke stem, een even eenmalig gitaargeluid en prachtige songs, dat alles valt op zaterdag 9 februari te beluisteren voor hen die de moeite nemen om naar het concert van de Engelsman John Martyn te gaan in Zalen Schaaf in Leeuwarden.

John Martyn In Italia

[Maria Laura G. Giulietti]
Ciao 2001 Vol XV #49

Una serie di quattro concerti, un nuovo album live per una piccola etichetta e un soggiorno a Nassau per il disco ufficiale che uscirá l'anno prossimo. Tutto questo e altre notizie.

Sound Scene

Margaret Collins
Galway Advertiser

John Martyn makes one of his rare solo concert appearances at the Castle, Salthill, on Saturday 15th, at 9 p.m. His last appearance here was at the ill fated Lisdoonvarna Festival.

The Great Musicians: John Martyn

Tony Bacon
The History of Rock #29 (vol 3)

Rolling Stone magazine described John Martyn's music as 'jazz-tinged pop-folk', neatly encapsulating the problems that Martyn poses for ardent music categorisers and critics who always seem to flounder when faced with such an original musician. There has been a jazz element in John Martyn's music ever since his second album, The Tumbler (1968); the folk element is even older and more deeply entrenched; and such a loose, all-embracing term as pop could just about be applied to anything he has done since the late Sixties.

Rock | Priče | John Martyn

Slobodan Cicmil
Rock 82

Ljupkost i opasnost koje sa sobom nosi i dobro čuva muzika Džona Martina (John Martyn) ove su godine našle potvrdu na albumu 'Well Kept Secret'. Ali, da ne bi bilo nesporazuma: ogromna popularnost nikada nije pratila Martinovo ime. Slušali su ga oni koji su znali o čemu je reč i koji su želeli da se ozbiljnije posvete muzici, a to će reći, oni koji su joj pristupili na način koji nije preterano moderan.

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